Voice Lesson Rates

As of September 1st, 2003 the following rates for voice lessons will become effective:

1/2 Hour 45 Minutes 1 Hour 1 1/2 Hours 2 Hours
$25 $30 $40 $65 $70

If this rate increase will create a hardship for your family, please talk with me about this privately.

Also effective in September, all lessons must be paid for on a monthly basis no later than the 5th of each month OR at the time that the first lesson of the month takes place. If a student misses a lesson and does not call at least 24 hours in advance they will still be charged for that time.
I will set aside one day each month for students to make up missed lessons. There will not be another time to make up missed lessons. In the event that I have to cancel a lesson, that lesson will be rescheduled at the student’s convenience during a time that does not interfere with lessons already scheduled. If you have any questions regarding these changes, please feel free to speak with me on an individual basis.

A reminder that I am in the process of scheduling my fall voice calendar. To try to ensure your preferred lesson time, please call today!

Happy Singing,

Alison Lawrence
The Singer’s Art

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